Will be showing on future
For more info :
Starring : Mahendra Perera, Jagath Chamila, Dulika Marapana, Sujani Menaka, Rayesh Gunasekara
Written and Directed by: Gayan Kanishka Rajapaksha
Produced By : Animareal Theater Productuion
Contact : Kanishka : 0425788044 , Diresh : 0430281071, Rayesh : 0450974332
Length: 100min
The closure of the ethnic war in Sri Lanka become an occasion for some to celebrate with victory parades, while yet discovered enough material to blame the government of human rights violation and harassment of ex-rebels and the displaced. Hardly anyone looked beyond these common pastimes into the misery of millions on innocent citizens as a result of the war, whether they were actively involved or not. ‘Athurupasata chat Ekak’ in its inimitable manner, peeps into the lives of three war victims’ families.
What brings these three families together?
That is the question that dramatist tries to analyze and bring out the unspoken aspect of the war.